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Whey Protein or Protein shakes may cause Gout?



Let us understand how excess intake of protein can be harmful and may cause Gout. The risk of your health could greatly depend on the kind protein diet you intake in your daily routine, and there are some high-protein foods also available that are saturated fat, and can raise the risk of heart disease as well. In case, you find gout due to excess intake of protein or other ways, you can contact us at the Ayurveda clinic in Melbourne.

It is completely fine to have a little extra protein, as long as you do keep doing regular exercise to absorb that protein to grow your muscles after the exercise. but if you eat too much, and do not exercise, then it can get be a problem for your body and may affect the kidney.

Let us understand deeply, what is whey protein and how it is linked to Gout-

It’s basically milk made up of two proteins-

1. Casein Protein, and;

2. Whey Protein. 

Whey protein is the watery portion of the milk that separates from the curds when making cheese. Whey protein is considered a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids and it’s derived from cow’s milk which contains small amounts of purines.

A rich protein diet contains large quantities of purines. Purine is found in the human body naturally, but it’s also found in many other foods. Purines are a type of chemical compound found in foods and drinks that are part of a daily diet. A small number of foods contain concentrated levels of purines, eq. seafood, organ meats, and beer, etc.

How excess intake of Purine can increase Uric acid?

Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. Uric acid is produced by the body when it breaks down a  chemical called purine. It’s then eliminated from the body through urine. A collection of uric acid crystals in the joints can cause certain health issues.

So, Whey protein supplements usually come in the market in the form of powder. It also has high levels of lactoferrin, which helps the body heal quickly and is 20% of the protein found in milk. So, these Whey Protein supplements have a much higher concentration of protein. However, bodybuilders are instructed to take a more rich protein diet in their diet plan, but it must be done under the supervision of bodybuilder masters only.

Risk of taking whey proteins:

How much protein should we take every day: 

The daily dietary intake of protein depends upon your body weight, age, and health. For average sedentary man the average amount is 56g/day and for a woman is 46g/day.

After exercise, protein plays an important role to repair and grow the muscles. It is recommended within 30 minutes of exercise when your muscles are particularly receptive to protein synthesis.

Foods that are high in purine include:

Plant-based or Vegan protein diet (instead of shakes and non-vegan), Such as:

Add the above diet in your daily routine after working out, it will repair your muscles without raising uric acid and Yes, whey protein raises your uric acid levels. Also, weight loss can cause flare-ups if you are losing weight so quickly. Try to stick on plant-based or vegan protein and avoid protein shakes or whey protein. Plant-based protein will repair your muscles without raising uric acid as the whey protein does.

Dr.Anmol is profound in Ayurveda/Naturopath and has a great success rate in treating Gout patients. Feel free to drop a note or book an appointment.

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