How to know when you need to detox your body!

How to know when you need to detox your body!

As we all know, a toxin is a harmful foreign substance that enters the body. According to the healing system of Ayurveda your natural state is health, balance, and happiness. A toxin is anything that enters your body-mind and interferes with your natural state, creating imbalances that, over time, can lead to illness (also called ama-sludge). There are many kinds sources from where toxins comes from, that describe below:

  • Lifestyle toxins: Found in your food, personal and household products, processed foods, alcohol, sugar, prescription drugs, caffeine, tobacco, hair sprays, perfumes, and make-up or in cleaning products etc
  • Emotional toxins: Such as negative thought patterns and beliefs, self-criticism, chronic stress, Stress, jelasy, hate, fear or traumatising incidents etc that you haven’t fully digested
  • Environmental toxins: Radiation, Pesticides, and herbicides industrial places where there are cars, water and air pollution etc
  • Intestinal microbes: The gastrointestinal tract is filled with yeast and bacteria which help with the body’s digestion of food. When there is an excess growth of bacteria in the intestinal tract then toxins enter the bloodstream and results in various health conditions.

Signs which shows that toxins are accumulated in your body:

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  • ?? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????

Results with Ayurveda Detox:

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5 ways to keep your Spine pain-free

5 ways to keep your Spine pain-free

It’s the sadden reality of today’s world that we all are too much busy and spending most of the time on phone, laptop and television. If you’re one of them and your days switching between bending over a laptop and swiping on a phone, you’re likely to end your day with a dull body, back, eyes and headache. This posture can cause the spine to compress prematurely, resulting in chronic pain and damage internally.

A sedentary lifestyle results stiffness, weakness of joints, and create different type of pain eq.osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, gout etc. Long time standing in the same posture and lack of awareness about posture transition that is how to move from sitting to standing, from lying to sitting up, can put undue stress on the spine. I also suggest that slouching on the couch, sleeping on an unsupportive mattress, carrying heavy bags and bending on desk can be very stressing for the back. While incorrect posture and sedentary lifestyle are primary causes of Back-pain, but other causes smoking and alcohol also add their bit in putting excessive pressure on the spine. Smokers are known to suffer from accelerated degeneration of intervertebral disc resulting in back pain. Alcoholism leads to osteoporosis which makes the bones brittle due to dryness and likely to fracture easily. When it comes specially to spine, “Prevention is always better than cure”. Because many of people suffered disability due to spine problems who does not care in their prognosis and it may leads to chronic injury to the spine and end up with disability. Please note the down listed advice to care your back and start asanas which will help you to prevent from suffering.

1. Exercises and Asans: Weight does impact the spine, but more than weight it is the inactive lifestyle which leads to a weak spine. If a person is overweight but has good muscular strength, then he or she is less likely to get spinal problems. The spine remains erect because of a fine balance between the muscles in front that is abdominal muscles and muscles in the back which are extensor spine muscles, that plays a important role in keeping the spine healthy. Everyone should do exercises, asanas, yoga, walk etc everyday suits to their lifestyle.

2. Right Posture: Most of the people using wrong posture, until they get affected by backpain or muscle pains. Modern technology made our life extreme comfort that 60-70% of the people suffering from a neck-pain and spine pain. Everyone should use right posture while standing, sitting and walking. A right posture means you are sitting on a chair with a backrest that is at 100-110 degrees with your buttock touching the backrest and your spine fully supported on the back. Make sure your legs reach the ground, If not, then you can use a foot rest to alleviate pressure. You must keep neck straight during while watching phone-laptop and tv. If you have to bend down to pull up something from the ground one should do it after bending the hips and knees. If you have to lift something heavy, follow the simple principles of physics: try to keep the weight close to the body rather than away from it to reduce the stress on the spine. Simple and easy to keep your spine healthy.

3. Use oils before doing exercises: Many spine injuries have their roots in improper exercise routines. Without sufficient warm up the body, the muscles stay in a contracted state due to dryness, and working out a muscle in state of contraction is calling for an injury or spasm. If you use warm oils before doing any workout, your muscles become more elastic and flexible, which will help to prevent injuries and spasm.

4. Proper Rest: Rest is a most important part of our life. Same like vehicles, when we drive so long distances it needs rest otherwise they are getting mechanical issues, so it’s same rule with the body as well. Body is a human machine. To avoid injuries while working out, make sure the weight and balance of the equipment are right according to your spine strength. Must do work out regularly and moderately. If you have an injury in the muscles, tendons or bone, make sure you do rest enough before resuming to routine work.

5. Proper and right Sleep during night: While it is a fact that nobody knows how one sleep, once they have slept, but everyone should be lie straight on the bed so that your spine is in normal anatomical posture and relaxed. Though mattresses matter a lot, he refrains from recommending any particular type. People have different preferences and the most important aspect is getting a good night’s sleep rather than no sleep on the best and most expensive or ergonomic mattress. The basic rule is, it should be firm, not too hard or too soft or sagging. So, your spine could stay in normal anatomical posture.

How to cure Restless Leg-Syndrome naturally

How to cure Restless Leg-Syndrome naturally

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

It’s our legs and foot which have carried us so far in the journey of our whole life. Leg and foot are classified into the Karm-indriya category (motor organs of utmost importance) by Ayurveda. RLS is a nervous disorder, caused due to imbalance in the nervous system which causes an urge to move the legs. It is characterised by an irresistible urge to move one’s body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations. RLS usually interferes with sleep and sleep patterns. Insomnia or sleep disturbances are common symptoms of RLS. Therefore it is also considered as a sleep disorder. RLS commonly affects the legs. It can also affect the arms, torso, head and even phantom limbs.

According to Ayurveda, there are three types of energy in human bodies, namely Vatta, Pitta and Kapha, which maintain normal body functions. Any functional deficit inside the body is recognised through the imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha using the terms Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha, respectively. As a representative of Wind (vayu) and Ether (akash), Vata is responsible for all types of body movements in the mind and body.  Since movement is the main function of Vata, (Vata qualities such as “light, dry, mobile, cold, hard, rough, sharp, subtle, flowing, and clear”, chala (flowing) is the main quality of Vata dosha)

Causes of RLS:

  • Excessive consumption of dry foods, junk food and carbonated drinks etc
  • Much use of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol etc
  • High consumption of bitter foods
  • Excessive exercises eq. spending too much time working out in the gym
  • Excessive indulgence in sexual activities
  • Drastic fasting eq. following a very strict diet to lose weight quickly
  • Stress and excessive thinking.
  • Late night sleeping habits
  • Constipation

Symptoms: Restless leg syndrome is a condition that has been characterised as Vata dosha or an imbalance in the function of the Vata energy. If a Vata-constitution person has a Vata-increasing diet, activities and is deprived of rest, they are prone to have restless leg syndrome, which is a a Vata disorder. When Kapha- and Pitta-constitution people have Vata-provoking diets coupled with excessive physical and mental activities and lack of rest, they are prone to develop chronic diseases, which can manifest as a restless leg syndrome due to the combination of doshas.

The pathological condition includes Vata disturbance in the majjavaha srotas, which explains the role of the psyche in developing restless leg syndrome, as majja offers stability to the body and mind. Since our legs are used repeatedly throughout the day, they definitely undergo a lot of stress and strain at the end of the day. That is why we feel better when someone squeezes our legs at the end of the day, while we sleep. Due to excess mobility, people under the influence of Vata dosha are always restless.  They will be shaking their legs, hands, eyes, eyebrows, lips, tongue, head, neck or any joint due to the hyperactive Vata energy.

Treatment: Ayurveda offers natural dietary and lifestyle advice to help balance Vata and calm the body, mind, arms and legs. Ayurveda has the best therapies and herbal medicines to balance the body constitutions, Specially Panchkarma therapies which are very helpful in RLS are: Abhyanga (Oil massage), Kaya Seka (Pizichil), Pinda Sweda and Earvang Dhara, Nasya, Shirodhara /Shirobasti, Basti (Medicated enema). Beside these therapies follow the instructions below:

  1. Stay regular with your daily routine. Elimination of bowel is a prerequisite for good health. Irregular elimination can allow toxins to build up, causing you to feel “plugged up” physically and mentally. Regularity of bowel movements is important to pacify the natural downward flow of Apana Vata and reduce ama, which can accumulate and cause blockages in your body. Try adding more fiber to your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, quinoa or amaranth. Drink warm water just after wakeup before tooth-brush.
  2. Legs need rest, relaxing oil massage and good attention if we need to stay healthy and fit enough to carry on the day-to-day activities.
  3. Reduce stress as much as possible and Avoid smoking.
  4. Must do Morning walk, jogging or an evening post-dinner brisk walk at a moderate pace can help.
  5. If you are an exercise freak and want to work hard on your exercise, make sure to hydrate enough and de-stress yourself after exercise.
  6. Reduce Caffeine consumption- Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, sodas and sports supplements and some over-the counter medications. Cut these off from your diet as far as possible.
  7. Drink Fresh fruit juices everyday and green vegetables are the best.
  8. Hydrate- Drink water liberally. Avoid diuretics in the form of caffeine, avoid alcohol.
  9. Increase electrolytes – depletion of minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium etc crucial for muscle function and relaxation will lead to cramping of muscles and relax muscles. Try to compensate them. Replace natural electrolytes and minerals such by using trace liquid minerals, Himalayan sea salts, organic fruits and vegetables. Magnesium -Use a topical magnesium lotion or do magnesium salts soak. Magnesium can be absorbed through skin. It helps to displace calcium ions that are causing muscle cramping and restlessness in the legs.
  10. Stretch – tight muscles and fascia (connective tissue surrounding group of muscles) cause cramping and pain in the legs. Practice light morning stretch routine, get into Yoga sessions to stretch the muscles and before bed at night stretch your feet and calves by putting your feet against the wall and leaning them with your ankles bent so that your toes are pointing up.
  11. Try deep tissue massage (that targets the lower body, hips and legs), foam roller etc will work
  12. Healthy diet – Eat a balanced healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Limit alcohol and caffeine especially at bedtime. Avoid any foods that you know that might keep you awake at night.
  13. Create a regular sleep schedule –Sleeplessness also can trigger symptoms. Quality and quantity of sleep is a must to get rid of pain.
  14. Sleep in a soapy bed – Many people report that putting a bar of soap under their bottom sheet chases away RLS and night time leg cramps. There is no scientific evidence in its proof.
  15. Supplements – vitamin D supplements been associated with low levels of iron or vitamins C and E. Each day, take 500mg of magnesium, 800-1000 mg of calcium and 800-1000 mg potassium. Shortage of any of these can make your legs twitchy. Drink mineral water rich in magnesium. Bump up your intake of folic acid, a B vitamin (called folate).
  16. Folic acid helps build red blood cells, which in turn helps oxygenate the body. That is an important benefit since RLS is associated with a decrease in oxygen. Food sources of folic acid include leafy green vegetables, orange juice and beans. You’ll also find folate in most multi-vitamins. Eat iron-rich foods such as dark green vegetables, liver, wheat germ, kidney beans, lean beef etc.
  17. Sex – Sex can be tried to get relieved.
  18. Breathe deeply – Release the tension by taking slow, deep breaths (anulom-vilom). It also helps to dim the lights and listen to soothing music before you go to bed. Turn off the TV before going to bed.
  19. Stretching – This helps to ease tight muscles and helps increase flexibility. massage little with warm oil then start it. Stretching should be done at night, before bedtime. This relaxes the body and mind. You can try doing the following stretches: Toe-pull Calf stretch– Sit on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you. Reach forward with both hands and grasp your toes, pulling gently until you feel the stretch in your calves. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and relax. Repeat several times.
  20. Yogasanas: It is much more beyond exercise. It is a holistic approach towards effective body-mind healing, Calms the brain and helps relieve mild depression, Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings, and groins, Stimulates the liver and kidneys which’ll help to remove toxins, Improves digestion, Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache etc.
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Paschimattanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Shavasana (Corpse pose)
  • Pranayama (Deep Breathing)

To book an appointment or to know more about your body or Ayurvedic treatment for Restless leg syndrome in Melbourne with one of our highly experienced Ayurveda specialist please contact on +61411114403 or email at


How PCOD correlate to Infertility?

How PCOD correlate to Infertility?

How PCOD correlate to Infertility? 

Every month, in women of childbearing age, tiny fluid-filled cyst known as follicles develop on the surface of the ovary. Female sex hormones, including estrogen cause one of the follicles to produce a mature egg. The ovary then releases this egg, and it breaks out of the follicle.

PCOD: Polycystic Ovarian disease (PCOD) is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, incorrectly approached by allopathy system as a localised ‘poly-cyst’. Many young women are treated with hormonal medication causing irreparable side effects or with sugar control drugs for peripheral relief without any perceptible contribution to the quality of life. Too much insulin combined with high levels of luteinising hormone can lead to excess production of male hormone called testosterone in your ovaries, and abnormally high amount of testosterone prevent ovulation. As a result your follicle does not mature and ovulation does not occur, which can lead to infertility. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder that is associate with an imbalance in female sex hormones and unhealthy diet. The imbalance can lead to a variety of symptoms and may affect a woman’s fertility.

In women who have PCOD/PCOS, there is an imbalance in female sex hormones. The imbalance may prevent the development and release of mature eggs. Without a mature egg, neither ovulation, nor pregnancy can occur. The hormone imbalance may also include an abnormal increase in testosterone which is primarily a male sex hormone. Women also produce testosterone, although it is usually in small amounts.

Effects on fertility: PCOS/ PCOD can affect a person’s fertility in different ways.

  1. Ovulation problems are usually the primary cause of infertility in women with PCOS. Ovulation may not occur due to an increase in testosterone production or because follicles on the ovaries do not mature.
  2. Even if ovulation occurs, an imbalance in hormones may prevent the lining of the uterus from developing properly to allow for implantation of the mature egg.
  3. Due to unbalanced hormones, ovulation and menstruation can be irregular. Unpredictable menstrual cycles can also make it difficult to get pregnant.
  4. Most of the women gets stressed due to imbalance menstruation circle along with busy schedule, which is resulting in many other ailments eq.loss of appetite, anorexia, headache, insomnia etc which are the main reason too for infertility.

How to release hate

How to release hate

If we feel hate, it means that something or someone is actively diminishing us. We do feel bad when feeling hate, for the very reason that an active problem is present and it requires our attention to resolve! Hate is not an emotion to bottle up, to do so is very dangerous as it means you are encouraging  an extremely negative process. Holding hate is something most people cannot do safely, and it quickly ends up re-projecting outward to then hurt those innocent around us.

What is the reason behind Hate? Pitta is responsible for digestion, metabolism, nutrition and temperature. The pitta dosha, when in balance, leads to contentment and intelligence. But, when out of balance or imbalance it can cause ulcers and arouse anger, hate and jealousy.

Why Pitta dosa imbalance in the body? In a world where our attention and energy are constantly being pulled in multiple directions, it is easy to forego exercise and unhealthy habits. However, neglecting healthy foods and regular activity poses a massive threat to our wellbeing long term. Alcoholic and fermented drinks, coffee,  oily, hot, salty, and heavy foods such as anything fried, egg yolks, nuts, hot spices, and hot drinks etc the main reasons behind increasing pitta dosha.

Releasing Hate as soon as possible! Many times the best way to be kind is to walk away without attachments and commitment, to leave as little behind for the reflection of hate to work against you. Sometimes others will push anger to conflict, and we have to be ready to deal with such conflict also. Yes it’s true as well that, It isn’t always easy to walk away from hate. However, due to the way humans mature, there are times when we’re energised to change. At these moments, you have a limited window to push and make changes in your life. Don’t waste these key moments of life where we’re energised to change. Understand, It takes empowerment to change, if you are in a situation where your power is being taken away, it is harder to walk away from hate. This sometimes means the first step to removing hate is empowering yourself and using your new power to drive away from the hate.

Why You need Balance your Power! The true lesson to learn about hate isn’t to reflect that feeling of destruction back out, but instead to release judgments in a kind and gentle manner to grow for yourself. You are helping yourself. We all have Pitta within us and we provides practical and best advice on how to balance that naturally without harming you and others,  Here’s how:

  1. A change in lifestyle: Sleep on time between 9-10am and wakeup early in the morning around 5-6am
  2. Release the judgement driving the feelings of anger and hate.
  3. To move on with our own life without attachment to where our feelings of hate arise.
  4. Take the time to focus releasing the anger itself.
  5. As you work against each smaller problem, keep your awareness open so you can learn more about the nature of the feelings. As the process unfolds, you will get more information which you can further use to unravel the source of the hate. When an issue still keeps coming back, then fully release the source of the problem. With this awareness, you can spot the sub-elements feeding into the feelings of hate and more precisely work on your healing process.
  6. Deep breathing exercises. There are three pranayama techniques that’ll help you with hate in particular: Deep diaphragmatic breathing: Mentally say, “Breathing in, I am aware of my hate.” “Breathing out, I let it go.” With each inhalation feel the hate. With each exhalation feel the emotion leaving your body. By paying attention to your anger and hate, you are allowing it to dissolve and pass away. You’ll feel so relax after that.
  7. Yogaasnas: Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Twist Pose). This pose can be likened to wringing anger out of the body. The Liver in Traditional Chinese Medicine is associated with anger. When body twist, it directly affect the organs and specifically the liver, to detox the body of hurt, grudges and resentment. Lengthen the spine on the inhale and as you exhale gently twist or spiral your belly, rib cage, chest and head to the right and back. Visualise releasing any stored up emotions as you gently twist and exhale. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Shavasana (Corpse Pose). If there’s one pose that forces one to let it all go, then it’s only “Shavasana”. Lie down on your back with your arms down by your sides, palms facing skyward. Let your feet fall out comfortably, close your eyes and travel inward. See if you can practice staying completely still for this asana. The only movement is the breath moving through the entire body – locating stored emotions with the in-breath, and releasing them with the out-breath.
  9. Use Pitta pacifying herbs and oils: There are plenty of of natural herbs to balance pitta dosha.
  • Coconut & Brahmi Oil- Great for Pittas to lubricate and cool internally. Placing it on the body from head-to-toe for a self-abhyanga (self-massage) is good before a bath.
  • Lukewarm peppermint are cooling and soothing.
  • Turmeric – Great for inflammation and (a Pitta tendency).
  • Avoid Pitta aggravating foods: Salty, pungent and sour foodsshould be avoided.
  • Avoid all meat (especially red meat)
  • Alcohol is a big for those with a pitta inflammation. Think about what happens when you put alcohol on fire.
  • Drink plenty of water everyday.
  • Eat cooling, naturally sweet, bitter and astringent foods, ample amounts of coconut water, coconut milk and coconut oil should be ingested.
  • Cucumbers – A great cooling food.
  • Fruits & berries – Naturally sweet fruits for the Pitta Dosha.
  • Avoid overworking- There’s a big difference between an effective leader and a strict boss. Practice moderation, kindness and compassion.
  • Keep supportive, loving and nurturing people around you.
  • Stop the blame game: Looking inward is the only answer. Anger and hate is all about you and no one else.
  • Balance rest and activity, allowing some free time everyday. Be careful not to create unnecessary time pressures for yourself.
  • Do not skip meals, specially breakfast and do not wait until you are famished to eat
  • Regularly spend time in nature. Take walks in the woods and along natural bodies of water. Keep plants and fresh flowers in your home and office. Walk under the moonlight.
  • Laugh a lot, every day without fear.