
Ayurveda Clinic in Melbourne, Truganina

Ayurveda Melbourne


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Ayurveda Treatment 

Alternative Medicine


Endometriosis is a disorder in which the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus. In endometriosis, displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would- it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle under the influence of female hormones. Endometriosis is a painful gynaecological disorder. But it is Treatable. This displaced tissue has no way to exit your body, it gets trapped. Surrounding tissue can become irritated, eventually developing scar tissue and adhesions.

Causes of Endometriosis?

  • Genetics: Endometriosis may be inherited from mother to daughter through genes, as it runs in families.
  • Environmental toxins: These toxins may cause immune and hormonal disruption leading to endometriosis. Dioxin, a toxic by-product of industrial and consumer processes have been speculated to be one of the causes of endometriosis.
  • Ageing: Incidences of endometriosis have occurred in postmenopausal women, and in less common cases, girls may have endometriosis symptoms before they even reach menarche.
  • Retrograde menstruation: It suggests that during a woman’s menstrual flow, some of the endometrial debris exits the uterus through the fallopian tubes and attaches itself to the peritoneal surface (the lining of the abdominal cavity) where it can proceed to invade the tissue as endometriosis.
  • Impaired immune system: While most women may have some retrograde menstrual flow, typically their immune system is able to clear the debris, prevent implantation and growth of cells from this occurrence. But due to impaired immunity, the retrograde menstruation causes endometriosis.*In addition to pain during menstruation, the pain of endometriosis can occur at other times of the month.

Is there cure for endometriosis in Allopathy?

No! While there is no cure for endometriosis, there is only symptomatic temporary treatment.

Don’t lose hope – There is an Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometriosis


Treatment in Ayurveda:

The surprising truth is that there are treatments in Ayurveda to combat the pain as well to improve the fertility in women suffering with endometriosis. Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometriosis is a much better alternative. The signs and symptoms mentioned in endometriosis are described in Ayurveda under the of vataja yonivyapadh and udavartha. Apana Vata is considered as the main functioning agent to maintain normal menstruation. This is vitiated due to sedentary life style, lack of exercise, sleep, irregular sleep, stressful professional atmosphere, mental tensions and unhealthy food habits.The deranged apana vata causes retrograde menstruation leading to endometriosis. Along with this, the other two doshas-pitta and kapha are vitiated leading to hormonal imbalance and abnormal growth of endometrium respectively.Hence, the first and foremost step is to restore the physiology of these doshas through purification (shodhana) by Panchkarma therapies.

Snehana (Oleation): It includes external application of oil through body massage and internal administration of medicated ghee or oil like trivrit sneha, sapthasara ghritham, indukantha ghritham, etc.

Svedana (Sudation): It includes steam bath and tub bath with pain alleviating medicines like dashamoola. *They strengthen the body, improve circulation and remove obstruction in the minute channels, provide stimulation that helps to block pain signals sent to the brain. They also stimulate the release of serotonin, endorphins for pain management and also pacify vata dosha.

Virechana (Purgation): As a prophylaxis, mild purgative drugs like Avipattikar Churna, Vaishvanara Churna, Gandharva-hasthadi Kashayam, Sukumara Eranda taila etc are administered seven days before the onset of periods to control the pain. Virechana also helps to maintain the proper functioning of pitta dosha in the body through which it restores the hormonal balance and facilitates the downward movement of apana vata preventing the retrograde menstruation.

Basti (Enemas): It includes administration of medicated liquids through anal and vaginal route, like yapana basti, dashamoola ksheera siddha basti, gandharvahasthadi kashaya basti, dhanvantara taila anuvasana basti, etc. Yapana bastis perform both cleansing of niruha basti and oleation of anuvasana basti, which increases the receptivity of genital tracts to the entry of sperms, removes the obstruction in the passage and facilitates proper coitus without pain, thus improving fertility.

Internal medicines:

  • During non bleeding phase, to reduce the endometrium growth in other sites,To reduce the pain, To reduce heavy bleeding, To improve the immunity, To improve the fertility there are number of ayurvedic medicines eq. mahatikthaka ghritham,dashamoolarista, sukumara ghritham, Gandharvahasthadi kashayam vaishvanara churna, , dhanvantara vati, triphala guggulu or punarnava guggulu , pushyanuga churna can be taken.
  • Boil 1 tsp of ajwain in 1 litre of water, store in water bottle and drink frequently during periods.
  • Include garlic, ginger, jeera, asafoetida in your diet.
  • Regular oil massage with narayana taila and tub bath in hot water will ease the pain. (Oil massage should not be done during menses.)
  • Aloe vera gel fried in ghee with cumin, coriander seeds and turmeric is made in to paste and should be taken for 3 weeks twice a day with honey.
  • To relive cramps- Apply equal quantity of mustard and castor oil on the lower abdomen. Take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 2 pinches of black pepper 3 times a day until cramps subside.
  • Chew 1 teaspoon of roasted cumin seeds slowly and follow with luke warm water to ease menstrual pain.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel 3 times a day for the entire week before you expect your period to start.
  • For excessive menstrual flow or clots try drinking a glass of coconut water with ½ teaspoon of sugar candy or rice washed water.

Relaxation, keeping calm, meditation and sound sleep.

The strength of Ayurvedic treatments is in its ability to remove the root cause of the disease rather than treating the symptoms. It improves body’s natural healing ability and brings back the state of equilibrium. Thus, Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometriosis has promising results for endometriosis where modern techniques remain largely unsuccessful.

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