Heel pain/Planter Fascitis

Ayurveda Clinic in Melbourne, Truganina

Ayurveda Melbourne


Wellness Program 

Ayurveda Treatment 

Alternative Medicine

Heel Pain/Palnter Fascitis

In Ayurveda, it’s called “Vatakantaka“. The most common form of heel pain is pain at the bottom of the heel. This pain in the morning, and after getting up to stand after sitting for a while. It can be a sharp, shooting pain or present as a tearing feeling at the bottom of the heel. As the condition progresses, there may be a throbbing pain or there may be soreness that radiates up the back of the leg. Pain may also radiate into the arch of the foot.

A heel spur is a calcium deposit causing a bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone. Heel spurs (calcaneal spurs) are frequently associated with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue, the plantar fascia, that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the ball of the foot.


  • The root cause of vatakantaka is aggravated Vata dosha associated with ama (undigested food) and Kapha dosha.
  • Long Walk without slippers
  • Excess walking or running
  • Consumption of dry or cold food, irregular eating habits
  • Long standing
  • Any kind of injury to the feet


Treatment of plantar fasciitis/ Heel pain is both local and systemic.

  • Systemically, in Ayurveda there are number of Vaatahar and guggulu formulations, which may be administered to relieve inflammation
  • Externally, the heel may be soaked in warm castor oil, or massaged with mahanarayan oil or vaatahar oils. After oiling, heat and cold may be applied alternately, dipping the heel in mustard seed tea, then ice water, then mustard seed tea, and so on
  • Yoga therapy should be used, since evidence-based medicine shows the efficacy of stretching the plantar fascia, while stretching of the calf muscles and Achilles tendon has also proved useful
  • Most types of MTP joint pain can be managed or at least alleviated by rest, elevation, oiling with warm mahanaryana oil/ Maha vishgarbha tailam and alternate heat and cold therapy as described above
  • Aagnikaram
  • Sit with your feet resting on a towel or a piece of fabric and pull or grab the fabric toward you with your toes as if you are going to pick up the towel with your foot.Repeat this exercise several times a day. Also stretching out that life nerve up the back of the leg.

Good Advice For Heel Pain:

  • Use comfortable and soft footwear
  • Use socks at night time and keep the feet warm
  • Get adequate rest for heels at night. If your work involves standing long hours, take time to rest in between
  • Continue this treatment till u get the relief
  • Avoid constipation
  • Enjoy easily digestible, light food
  • Immerse your foot in warm water and do oil massage daily before going to bed
  • Before stepping down after sleeping or resting, make movements of toes and ankle in all the way to warm up and relax the foot with light massage.
  • Stand with legs apart, about shoulder width, and gently move the knee out over the foot, weight will go to the outer edge of the foot.

To Book an appointment or to know more about Ayurvedic treatment in Melbourne with one of our highly experienced practitioners please contact on +61411114403 or email at info@rejoiceclinic.com.au

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