Detox & Rejuvenate Program

Ayurveda Clinic in Melbourne, Truganina

Ayurveda Melbourne


Wellness Program 

Ayurveda Treatment 

Alternative Medicine

Panchakarma (Detoxifictaioj) is the ultimate, personalised mind-body cleansing, detoxifiying and rejuvenative therapy. Regardless of your profession, lifestyle, or eating habits, many toxins are present everywhere in your environment. Chemicals in your food and water worsen the problem. Toxins build up in the body over time, like a snowball. Many of them mimic hormones in your body and interfere with your endocrine system. Once absorbed by the body, they attack cells, distort cell’s proper functioning, and refuse to get out of your system causing different diseases.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma subtly removes these toxins from your mind and body. Panchakarma procedures are designed to function synergistically to maximise the removal of toxins while maintaining the harmony of natural body functions. The purifying and eliminating actions of Panchakarma first dislodge the toxins from the cells and then flush them out of your body. Panchakarma also opens up all the subtle channels in the body, so life energy and nutrients can flow freely nourishing each and every cell.

According to Ayurveda, the detoxification of the body is essential before undergoing any other major treatment. By restoring your circadian rhythm, all systems in the body start functioning at their peak performance and the immune system becomes strong. Mental clarity improves and the body becomes healthy and well. Even for healthy people, it is recommended to undergo detoxification treatment once every one years to rid the body of all the impurities and chemical toxins it accumulates over the years. Our detoxification program remove toxins from the digestive system, bowels, lungs, blood vessels and nervous system by Panchkarma therapies and Ayurvedic medicines. It strengthen the muscles and joints, and helps in the secretion hormones of all glands. It improves the appetite, sleep quality, sexuality, concentration and memory. No wonder many people feel like they have a new body after this treatment.

Our Ayurvedic therapies will help you rejuvenate and de-stress with varied curative therapies like Vasti, Pizhichil, Shirodhara and Abhyanga. The therapies will be administered during your stay under the guidance of our Specialist and only after the consultation, and determining the need of your body. Under this treatment, you will enjoy the unique amalgamation of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda while realising your real self in the arms of nature. The treatment will focus on revitalising your senses, retrieving your youthfulness, and restoring the balance of body, mind and your soul. You will get to enjoy personalised session in yoga and meditation as well.


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