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Delicious looking bright orange, creamy and nourishing, Carrot Ginger Soup is a very good remedy for relief in headache. This super simple and flavourful carrot ginger soup can be made in just about 15-25 minutes and only contains four main ingredients. Carrot Ginger Soup is very effective for healing. Watch as you eat less but feel more satisfied because what you are eating truly nourishes you. Since Ayurveda believes all disease begins in the digestive tract, food is your first medicine. By eating a healthy diet that’s ideal for your body, you experience optimal health.


  • 2 medium sized organic carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 2-3 Tbsp fresh peeled ginger root and chopped it
  • 1 Tbsp vegan butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1pinch black pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 pinch cinnamon
  • 2 spoon Olive oil
  • cilantro or parsley garnish

INSTRUCTIONS for Preparation

  • First Step– Take a large pot of water and add carrots to boil it until smoothen. Drain carrots from water and add to a blender.
  • Second Step– Add vegan butter, other spices and veggie broth to the blender, or you can add these later while soup is simmering.
  • Third Step– Blend soup from low to high for 2-3 minutes, until very smooth.
  • Fourth Step– Place a large pot over low heat and put olive oil in it, then add ginger, cinnamon and bay leaf- stir it, after 2m pour soup in it. Place over low heat. Simmer on low, covered, for at least five minutes. This will remove all the air bubbles that for during blending.
  • Fifth Step- Eat or serve warm

Benefits of Carrot and ginger soup:

  • This soup burn away congestion and sluggishness from overly rich and oily foods,
  • It’s a diuretic that dries up water retention. This detoxifying recipe also features the mild laxative effects of carrot and helps in constipation,
  • Carrot is high in anti-oxidants for your immune system. It’s beta-carotene supports the liver while purifying the blood,
  • It improved vitality and clarity of the mind,
  • It’s pacify vaata and kapha dosha, which ultimately helps to relieve headache,
  • This soup encourage healthy digestion,
  • Helps in curing pain and improve joint health,
  • It’ll improves dry skin, constipation, insomnia, anxiety and nervous system disorders etc,
  • A tonic herb strengthens tissue, often restoring healthy function.


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