Ayurveda Clinic in Melbourne, Truganina
“Hita Hitam Sukham Dukham Ayustasya Hita Hitam
Manam cha thacha yatrokatam ayurveda sa uchayate”
It means “Science is designated as Ayurveda, where advantageous and disadvantageous, as well as happiness and unhappiness states of life, along with what is good and bad for life, its measurement and life itself are described.
This healing system has three main focuses: healing and prevention of diseases and longevity.Ayurveda is not simply health care system but it is form of life style to maintain perfect balance. Ayurvedic merely does not treat symptoms but tries to cure from root cause and brings back individuals into equilibrium.
Objectives of Ayurveda: Ayurveda has two Main objective:
“Swasthasya Swathya Rakshnam“
It means to maintain positive health of a healthy person
“Aturasya Vikaar Prashamanam“
And to cure disease of a patient is objective of Ayurveda
Ayurveda tries to cure diseases by two methods
Ayurveda (The science of life) is wisdom of Health and Happiness. According to Ayurveda diet along with sleep and lifestyle, is a fundamental pillar of good health and longevity. Diet is essential part of our life. It is the building block of our body. With its help body develop new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes, which are essential for all physiological functions of the body. Diet not only nourishes our body but our mind also.
How it works?: Ayurvedic Treatments differ from the majority of conventional cures in its unique approach towards healing. Rather than trying to cure a disease in isolation, Ayurveda takes into account an individual in his entirety to cure the root cause. If you eat a balanced diet, at proper times each day, and are able to get a good night sleep each night, you have the basis for a stable, balanced physiology and your mind and body will function at optimum level. If you digest your food properly, your body can use the nutrients to build the different types of body tissue and replace worn out cells and tissues quickly. The Ayurvedic system believes that the human body consists of three primary life forces, which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three are called the Tridoshas. A balance among these life forces is essential for proper health. When these forces becomes unbalanced, that is what can lead to negative physical, mental or emotional health.
The Ayurvedic system believes the body needs to be in balance to achieve physical, mental and emotional health. (Charka)
In Ayurveda , therapies works wonderfully. When rejuvenation, cleansing and nourishment becomes ultimate necessity for the disorders in a human system, therapies help. To integrate the body, mind and spirit and to balance the bodily principles, Ayurveda offers a wide range of natural therapies and herbal medicines.
Who needs Ayurveda therapy? As a part of physiological process, our body undergoes changes during different seasons, different parts of the day and different stages in life. Due to this difference in temperature, diet and lifestyle, the innate ability for the body to cure itself is damaged. Any therapy in Ayurveda works to restore the balance and encourages our immune system to find a cure for itself. Any person with or without obvious signs of disease can take Ayurvedic therapies to clear the wear and tear of our physical ability in our day-day life. There are special therapeutic measures for each diseases as a part of wholesome treatment plan.
Body Constitution
Vata Type Symptoms: dryness in vagina, dry skin, extremities get cold, anxiety, difficulty in getting sleep, mild to variable hot flushes (Invariable), panic, nervousness, mood swings, palpitations, bloating and constipation
- Pitta Type Symptoms: Short temper, night sweats, excess hot flushes, extremely heavy periods with burning sensation, skin rashes, associated complaints such as UTI urianary track infection).
- Kapha Type Symptoms: Weight gain, lethargy, heavy, lack of motivation, depression, hormonal changes such as Thyroid malfunction, fibrocystic changes in uterus or in the breast and excessive fluid retention.