Coronavirus can cause an infection in people, including a severe respiratory illness. The outbreak is real, but conscious precautions can help you to understand in a better way. Before explaining, let us understand the entire truth behind Covid-19
‘There is no antidote for coronavirus found yet’, It doesn’t mean if someone infected with coronavirus, they will die.
As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics do not affect. The antiviral drugs against the flu will not work. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system. Many of those who have died were already in poor health with low immunity.
Covid-19: Fear and panic!
It leads to an increase in the production and release of cortisol stress hormone. We are in a world where we all are facing an emotional and financial crisis. People are highly worried about themselves and their family’s survival. When stress increases, the body’s immune system can be compromised that may also lead to affect your sleep and other normal functions of the body. Worry and anxiety likewise harm overall health and the immune system. Stress alone can lead to sickness, and less than positive outcomes.
- Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause severe illness from the common cold to more severe diseases eg. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19).
- This coronavirus is new, has not been previously found in humans.
- Coronaviruses are zoonotic, (they are transmitted between animals and people)
- Covid-19 first came to notice in the medical system on 31 December 2019 from Wuhan, Hubei Province and China which had some link to large seafood and live animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread. But later on, a growing number of patients reportedly from the person-to-person spread. It was subsequently reported outside Hubei and China.
- The majority of people who have passed away had pre-existing health conditions. A higher percentage were males and old people above 70yrs age.
- On January 30, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).
- On March 11, 2020, the COVIDd-19 outbreak was characterised as a pandemic by the W.H.O
- Former Pandemic was in 2009 by the name of H1N1 (H1N1pdm09 virus)

Symptoms of Coronavirus:
It is very hard to make such a big claim without proper scientific researches. But Ayurveda herbs like Guduchi, Chirayta and Liquorice root, etc has anti-viral, rejuvenating and immune-boosting properties. Due to these properties, these Ayurveda herbs are great at increasing the immunity against viral infections. The common symptoms are sore throat, cough, fever, shortening of breath and breathing difficulties. The last symptom is a worsened condition. In severe cases, the infection can cause viral pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
COVID-19: Who all are at risk!
- People with weak immune systems are more vulnerable to this infection. eq. above 60yrs of age, young children and those who already have pre-health conditions eq. heart, low immunity, kidney & respiratory conditions, etc.
- People who had recently close contact with confirmed cases of coronavirus
- People who have traveled from mainland China to Australia since 1 February 2020
- Healthcare workers are potentially at risk if they are in close contact with a case of Covid-19.
Covid-19: Can Ayurveda prevent or cure CoronaVirus?
Currently, there is no specific treatment or injection available for this virus as we know there is no injection available for many other viruses as well. “In Ayurveda, strong digestive fire plays a very important role in fighting diseases. We should greatly strengthen our immune system. (Immune system is a host defense system that is made up of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects our body against diseases)
There are a number of Holistic-measures to prevent infection and treat the symptoms of coronavirus effectively, which involves 2 steps:
- 1. Prevent your body by increasing your immune system
- 2. Fight the symptoms by strengthening the immunity
Food and lifestyle Advice for protection from coronavirus infection:
- Sleep is most important to keep your immunity stronger. With less cytokine production you are more vulnerable to the infection.
- Diet is an important factor in boosting your immune system, take a rich diet in antioxidants eq. fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- Eat home-cooked and warm food which is more fresh eq. vegetables, whole grains, and legumes prepared with Ayurveda spices in daily routine eq. cumin, ginger, black pepper, and turmeric, etc
- Drink plenty of warm water again and again within 15m to keep hydration and if your body contact with the virus, by water it’ll go straight to the stomach. Through a good digestive system, it’ll clean out from the excretory system. Otherwise, if the throat is dry it can go to the windpipe and will enter in lungs. Which would be a bit hard to treat.
- Drink herbal tea eq. turmeric, ginger, licorice root, and tulsi. Herbal tea will help in digestion and remove toxins which are the home for viruses.
- Add rich food of Vitamin C and D, as it plays an important role in boosting immunity.
- Drinking hot water and exposure to the sun is good and it slows down the infection.
- Avoid all animal food products including milk, egg, and meats, etc to avoid lurking pathogens that attack our immune system. Animal foods are associated with insulin resistance and inflammation as well.
- Avoid refined foods, as they suppress the immune system, which includes foods that quickly turn into sugar: refined carbohydrates.
- Avoid fried, junk, cold and stale food as they slow down the digestion.
- Limit the intake of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. As smokers are a high top list for the risk of coronavirus.
- Eat whole plant-based foods for the nutrients that work together to control any swelling and build immunity eq. whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, mushrooms, overnight soaked dry-fruits, and seeds.
Ayurveda Herbs that are helpful in building immunity and preventing the infection of Coronavirus are:
- Andrographis: (Hara Chirayta)-It is controlling all viral infections and boosts immunity very quickly.
- Guduchi: It’s rich in Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Zinc, and Manganese. This is the best drug of choice for increasing immunity. It has wound-healing property, antipyretic and anti-viral properties.
- Alkaloids: all types of fevers and infections in the body.
- Licorice root: (Mulethi)- antiviral properties and supports respiratory health
- Medicinal Mushrooms: antiviral and immune-boosting properties.
- Ashwagandha and Shilajit: boosts immunity and anti-stress herb too.
- Papaya: treats dengue and malaria and boosts the immune system.
- Vitamin C and D supplements and rich food: strengthens immunity and increase the absorption of other essential vitamins.
- Tulsi: potent antioxidant and wonderful for respiratory health
- Amla: a highest natural source of Vitamin C, increase immunity and helps balance pitta dosha
- Chyavanprash: Best for building immunity and Ojas
- Pomegranate peel decoction: Pomegranate peel is for controlling any viral infection and to strengthen immunity for prevention. Being an antipyretic, it is used to reduce fevers and build strength in infections.
- Meditation: Meditation is the best tool to manage stress. Do a minimum 10-15m session, two times/day (morning and night) Because, Stress slow-down the power of your immune system.
- Do Deep-Breathing Exercises eq. anulom-vilom, kapal-bhati, brahmari, Bhastrika and sheetal etc
Precautions to prevent and spreading further:
- Use good cough amenities: cover your mouth with disposable tissues or cloth, and dispose of used tissues, and clean your hands afterward.
- Avoid visiting vulnerable people, eq. people who are in aged care facilities or hospitals, infants, or who already suffering from other health conditions.
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Maintain a minimum of 1.5 meters distance between yourself and others who are coughing and sneezing.
- Avoid crowds places, where it is not possible to maintain an appropriate distance away from others
- Avoid shaking hands with others.
- Maintain hand hygiene by regularly cleaning hands thoroughly with alcohol-based hand wash or soap and water at least 20seconds. Clean your hands:
- before entering an area used by other people
- after using the bathroom
- after coughing or sneezing
- before preparing food or eating.
(Source: Charak Samhita, Sushrat Sahita and Bhavaprakash, NSW health gov, WHO)
Excellent brief Dr Anmol. Well researched and presented.
Thank you Avinesh Ji!
Dr Anmolpreet