Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress is caused by misuse or overuse of the body, such as overtime working or not doing much activities etc. The body and mind work simultaneously. They both have a great connection in between, as, if there is an imbalance in the physical body, Then, this will impact on your mind. The same happened, If you have any mentally pressure, it’ll affect your body. There are over 1million Australian adults are affected by depression. There are a number of herbs and therapies offered by Rejoice Ayur Health Clinic to cure stress.

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to curing Stress:

  1. Take a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep every day.
  2. Favor tastes such as sweet, sour, and salty.
  3. Eat over-night soaked dry fruits, as they are good for proteins and fat which helps to pacify Vata.
  4. Antioxidants, which you can found in vegetables and fruits help in reducing stress. 
  5. Avoid spicy, salty and bitter foods, as it can increase feelings of restlessness.
  6. Eat a healthy balanced diet according to your body constitution.
  7. Control your mind and body to participate in negative energy.
  8. Brown Rice is more richer in fibre, as compared to white rice and can help in balance dosha.
  9. Green tea also has many benefits. It’s an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive beverage.
  10. Burning a scented candle may help to reduce your feelings of stress.
  11. Reduce your caffeine intake, because high doses can increase anxiety. 
  12. Drink herbal tea (cinemmon, ginger, and cardamom) after meal.
  13. Encourage yourself to walk barefoot on the grass.  
  14. Take regular off from stressful work.
  15. Go to bed in between 9-10 pm.
  16. Intake vitamin C: Vitamin C is lower the secretion of cortisol stress hormone.
  17. Do yoga-asanas and exercises, as it’ll helps to reduce stress eq. Shavasana, Suryanamaskar, Yoga Nidra, Anulom-Vilom, Uttanasana, Vajrasana and Halasana etc
  18. Ayurveda herbs, which can be used under Ayurveda practitioner’s supervision (Medhya drugs or medhya rasayanas). The herbs are Withania somnifera, bacopa monniera, Convolvulus pluricaulis, Acorus calamus, Glycrrhiza glabra and Tinospora cordifolia etc.
  19. Panchkarma therapies: Sirodhara, Nasya, Sirovasthi, Shiroabhyanga, Padabhyanga, Pinda Sveda, and Abyanga (Full body Ayurveda massage) etc helps to balance dosha and cure stress permanentaly.